Lidl Bulgaria

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Lidl Bulgaria

Lidl Bulgaria is a top employer that has been sustainably writing its successful history in the country for over 11 years, focusing on customer satisfaction, care and support for its employees and the development of the environment.

With over 100 stores in 50 cities in the country, 2 logistics centers – in Ravno Pole and Kabile, and a wide range of positions in the headquarters, Lidl is a secure and stable employer for over 3,700 people in Bulgaria. Our team is constantly growing, and in 2021 alone it has increased by 15%.

Among the strongest countries of Lidl Bulgaria is the sustainable desire to invest in young people without experience. For them there is a series of programs with which the company gives them specific knowledge and skills, provides them with an opportunity for a strong start in professional development, provides them with support and environment to develop their potential. Examples of such programs are the internship program for young people over 18, who can work for 2 months in our stores during the summer, as well as the internship program for students, which is also held every summer.

More information about the open positions in Lidl can be found on our career website:

Link to the vacancies:
Here is more information about the grant program, usually in the summer projects are accepted: